Thursday, July 22, 2010


Chili- Strong and tingling smell, lingering taste of 'Singaporean dishes'

"The Spice of Life" and how I took life's challenges. It reminds me of heartaches because of rejection by guys.

It reminds me of when I am feeling so nervous and ecstatic at the same time. A feeling of Euphoria when I am extremely happy and I want to release the energy through running or doing exhilarating activities. A feeling I get when I like somebody (a guy) so much.

Vinegar- Fresh smell, bland taste

It reminds me of myself every time I get out of my comfort zone. I vividly picture my first ever scuba- diving experience where I got to swim with the fishes and for the very first time I took a closer look at wonderful corals. I overcome the fear of going deep under water. I feel so invigorated and free like a child living a life with no problems at all.

Soy Sauce- Earthy smell like "soil in the garden", salty taste of dew or or mist of raindrop in my skin

It reminds me of when I went on a nature tripping/ hiking adventure where it suddenly rained and there was a heavy downpour. I can never forget this trekking adventure of ours in Banawe where I slipped and fell on my butt into that puddle of mud whilst we were following a trail. -IT WAS A MAJOR EMBARRASSMENT! :)

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